Lamp Berger is the oldest worldwide manufacture of fragrance lamps. These lamps disperses scented oil using a heated stone attached to a cotton wick to remove bad odor or even keep the bugs away. They are elegant in style and more effective than candles.
Becoming certified to carry Lamp Berger was very exciting for the Skip’s Toms River Florist, especially since they are always looking for innovative and functional gifts for their customers. A must for every home, the lamps deodorize the air by a catalytic process eliminating bacteria and undesirable odors. The peerless quality in the perfume oils provides an exceptionally delicate scent release offering cleaner and fragranced air for greater well-being.
The Lampe Berger lamps were created in 1898 to purify hospital rooms; today they improve the quality of indoor air wherever they are used. The Skolniks don’t think you should be breathing air without a Lampe Berger. Within 20 minutes, a Lampe Berger can eliminate cigarette smoke, pet smells, garlic, onion and cabbage scents and even the stale air we get from having windows shut and the air conditioning on. Stop into Skip’s Flowers and Gfts and pick up an inexpensive starter kit and start breathing fresher air today.